

Fijian President officiates at the Diabetic Workshop for Care Givers & Patients with Diabetes

09.2.2019 Former Fijian President His Excellency Major-General (Ret’d) Jioji Konusi Konrote officiated as chief guest at the Diabetic Workshop for Care Givers & Patients with Diabetes at Holiday Inn on 9th February, 2019.

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The Pacific Community promotes World Diabetes Day on 14 November 2018


The Pacific Community (SPC) is engaging in the World Diabetes Day 2018, whose theme is “The Family and Diabetes”. This year’s topic aims at raising awareness of the impact that diabetes has on the family and support network of those affected and to promote the role of the family in the management, care, prevention and education of diabetes. The Pacific is one of the regions with the highest rates of diabetes; many Pacific Island countries are among the global top 10 in terms of diabetes prevalence. SPC runs a variety of outreach and communication initiatives aimed at raising awareness on the issue

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Fijian Minister for Health Hon. Rosy Akbar chief guest at the Diabetes Juvenile Northern camp


Statistics in Fiji reveal that the total number of people living with Type 1 diabetes from 2014 to 2018 stands at 500 and the youngest person living with Type 1 diabetes in the Northern Division is 10 years old. This was highlighted by the Minister for Health and Medical Services Rosy Akbar while officiating at the Diabetes Fiji Juvenile Northern Camp. She stressed that it is imperative that young people are aware of their risks as well as being aware of the signs and symptoms of the disease so that they can present earlier to a health facility for

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Fijian Minister Hon. Alex O’Connor officiates at the National Diabetes Symposium


FIJIANS have been reminded once again that their lifestyle choices are contributing to the rise of non- communicable-diseases (NCDs) in the country. This was highlighted by the Assistant Minister for Health and Medical Services, Hon. Alex O’Connor at official opening of the National Diabetes Foot Care Symposium 2018, which was held at the Holiday Inn in Suva today. Asst Minister O’Connor said that the public’s help is needed to address the deadly disease and to change lifestyle habits. “There are bad habits that affect our health, which includes excessive alcohol intake, tobacco and consuming too much processed food,” he said.

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Fiji has highest death rate from diabetes in the world


More alarming data about the NCD crisis in Fiji is now emerging with the World Life Expectancy ranking on diabetes placing Fiji number one once again in the number of deaths caused by diabetes.  LINK TO ORIGINAL ARTICLE According to the World Life Expectancy ranking on diabetes, Fiji has the highest rate at 187.9 per 100,000 deaths. It is even more alarming for men with the rate at 213.7 per 100,000 deaths. This means about 1,300 people suffer from diabetes related deaths in Fiji every year. According to the Health Ministry, currently almost 1 in every 3 Fijians are being diagnosed

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