

Advocacy with Outcomes in Fiji


I had a chat with Shivanjani Iyer, a Young Leader in Diabetes from Fiji. She is doing amazing things for people with type 1 diabetes there, and advocating in a way that is seeing positive outcomes. We hope her example will inspire others to take similar actions and we at T1International are here to support your efforts! Can you tell me a bit about life with type 1 diabetes in Fiji? In Fiji, there is no compulsory health insurance for the general public so most people rely on the government hospitals for their medical needs and supplies. Those working for

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Country in Focus: turning the tide of diabetes in Fiji


Lifestyle changes have led to a huge rise in obesity prevalence in Pacific Islanders. Jules Morgan reports on the problem of noncommunicable diseases in Fiji and efforts underway to address it. With its rugged coastline, palm-lined coral beaches, and lagoons, Fiji is an ideal destination for those seeking a tropical climate. But beyond the utopian landscape is a multicultural society burdened with a health crisis. Changes in lifestyle—a decline in traditional dietary customs and increased physical inactivity—from more than a century of colonial influences, and steady integration into the global cash economy has had a substantial and sobering effect on

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