Fiji has highest death rate from diabetes in the world

Published: 05th Jun 2018

More alarming data about the NCD crisis in Fiji is now emerging with the World Life Expectancy ranking on diabetes placing Fiji number one once again in the number of deaths caused by diabetes.  LINK TO ORIGINAL ARTICLE

According to the World Life Expectancy ranking on diabetes, Fiji has the highest rate at 187.9 per 100,000 deaths.

It is even more alarming for men with the rate at 213.7 per 100,000 deaths.

This means about 1,300 people suffer from diabetes related deaths in Fiji every year.

According to the Health Ministry, currently almost 1 in every 3 Fijians are being diagnosed with diabetes, that’s 30% of the population.

The International Diabetes Federation says the prevalence of diabetes in Fijian adults was 15% last year.

It also says the proportion of undiagnosed cases last year was 53%.

Worldwide, diabetes caused 5.1 million deaths in 2013.

According to this, every six seconds a person dies from diabetes.

At the forefront of tackling this crisis is Diabetes Fiji and its Project Manager, Viliame Qio says their message is that people should not only eat healthy but also choose wisely.

He says their biggest challenge is that people that have diabetes continue to deny that they have the problem.

Fiji uses over $400 million annually on Non‑Communicable Diseases related treatments.

This includes money which is used to cater for the average amount of three amputations which is conducted in a day.