Working Partners

World Diabetes Foundation –(Financial) funding for our 5 years Primary Level Diabetes Care Capacity Building Project
Ministry of Health and Medical Service, Fiji (Financial and Technical)- Capacity Building for Young People living
with Diabetes in Suva Nausori area project. Medical staffs for all Diabetes training and workshops
USAIDS and International Republican Institute (Financial) – countering misinformation and hate speech against covid 19
LDS Charities – (Financial and Technical) Technical officer for foot care project, co-funding for community programs,
funding for screenin equipment
JICA– (Technical)- Provided educational materials to conduct one to one and group session and training for Motivational Interview for staffs that are conducting screening and counseling
Insulin for Life Australia– (Technical)- Consumables for people living with Insulin and assist in community screening
FRIEND Fiji. Medical Service Pacific and Fiji Cancer Society- (Technical)– Provided support in our NCD
covid helpline 165 for the central division. Providing telemedicine during the covid pandemic
Empower Pacific- (Technical)– Collaboration outreach program and provide counselling to patients and Motivation
Interview training to our footcare nurses.
Secretariat of the Pacific Community- (Technical and Finance)– expansion of footcare training to the Pacific regions, expansion of Young Diabetes Program to other countries.
Makan Drugs Ltd – (Technical)– Provide consumables for community outreach targeting informal settlement,
disability, people with special needs women and children
Equal Meds – Provides donations for Diabetic patients and for the Hospitals, Health centers and Nursing station