

Fiji’s diabetes epidemic: Nation already exceeding WHO’s predicted rate for 2030


The disease is responsible for 188 of 100,000 deaths in the country, and according to its Ministry of Health, approximately 33% of Fijians are diabetic. This means Fiji has already exceeded the WHO's 2030 prediction of an 8% prevalence of diabetes in the country.According to the WHO, diabetes has become especially common in low- to middle-income countries like Fiji over the past 30 years, and is set to become the world's seventh leading cause of death in 2030.The organisation has also reported that the "global prevalence of diabetes among adults over 18 years of age has risen from 4.7% in

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Looking after diabetics in Fiji challenging task for families


SUVA, June 3 ((Xinhua) -- As a South Pacific Island nation with a population of more than 880,000, Fiji has the highest rate of diabetes fatalities in the world. Looking after diabetics can be challenging for the families across the nation. According to the recent World Life Expectancy ranking on diabetes, Fiji has the highest rate of 187.9 per 100,000 deaths. It is even more alarming for Fijian men with the rate at 213.7 per 100,000 deaths. This means about 1,300 people suffer from diabetes-related deaths in Fiji every year. According to Fiji's Health Ministry, almost one in every three

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Three amputations a day: Fiji diabetes death rate worst in the world


Fiji has the highest death rate from diabetes in the world with 188 of 100,000 fatalities being attributed to the disease, the latest life expectancy world rankings show. And Fiji Indians were more likely to suffer from the disease, says Fiji's Ministry of Health, highlighting that one in three Fijian adults had diabetes. Diabetes Fiji project manager Viliame Qio told media people were shying away from medical attention and treatment out of denial and when they did come forward they had more severe complications from their illness. He said many people turned to traditional healers for help first, which also delayed effective

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Diabetes deaths in Fiji worst in the world, says watchdog


The latest life expectancy world rankings show Fiji has the highest death rate from diabetes in the world with 188 of 100,000 fatalities being attributed to the disease. The head of Diabetes Fiji says the ranking highlights the magnitude of the problem and the need for a more proactive approach. Jenny Meyer reports: LISTEN TO DATELINE TranscriptProject manager Viliame Qio says people are shying away from medical attention and treatment out of denial and so when they do come forward they have more severe complications from their illness. He says there needs to be more community education about diabetes and many people

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Fiji tops world for diabetes deaths


Fiji has highest death rate from diabetes in the world with 188 of 100,000 fatalities being attributed to the disease, the latest life expectancy world rankings show. Diabetes Fiji project manager Viliame Qio said the ranking highlights the magnitude of the problem and the need for a more proactive approach. Mr Qio said people were shying away from medical attention and treatment out of denial, and so when they did come forward they had more severe complications from their illness. Many people were also turning to traditional healers for help first which further delayed effective treatment, he said. He said

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