
Our Projects

Foot Care


Diabetes Fiji Inc in partnership with Ministry of health and Medical Services rolled out the Primary Level Diabetes Care Capacity Building Project in 2013, with a view to Strengthening primary level Diabetes care and promoting diabetes awareness, through the support of World Diabetes Foundation. The choice of this Goal reflects a desire to optimise the clinical management of diabetics and to decrease the morbidity related to Diabetic sepsis and amputations. Based on NCD Steps Survey in 2002 and other anecdotal studies, Diabetes remains a major burden for the Ministry and the prevalence currently stands at 16.2%. The prevalence has increased

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Community Outreach Program


Previously a subsidiary program of the Foot Care Project, DFI plans to expand this program and run it independently with a separate budget and create employment opportunity with one new staff member. The scope of work required in the area of Diabetes Type 2 prevention and management demands that DFI adjust its approach to better curb the growing statistics associated with Type 2 Diabetes. This Program will utilize DFI’s 12 member Core Volunteers, 28 peer groups, trained healthDoctors and Nurses to run school and community based advocacy based projects. This projectcurrently has at the very least, 24 community events (2

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