Fijian President officiates at the launch of World Diabetes Day

Published: 10th Nov 2017

His Excellency The Former President Major-General (Ret’d) Jioji Konusi Konrote has reiterated the need for all Fijians to focus on healthy living. President Konrote officiated as chief guest at the national launch of the World Diabetes Day 2017 at the Sukuna Park in Suva today. He said the fact that Fiji had the second highest rate of deaths from diabetes in the world was alarming and sad. President Konrote, who is our lead advocate and champion in the campaign to eliminate Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), also raised concern at the figures that a lower limb amputation occurred every eight hours in Fiji.

The theme for this year’s World Diabetes Day is “Women and Diabetes- our right to a healthy future.” It promotes the importance of affordable and equitable access for all women at risk or living with diabetes to the essential diabetes medicines and technologies, self-management education and information they require to achieve optimal diabetes outcomes and strengthen their capacity to prevent Type 2 diabetes.