Diabetes Fiji launch 10-year strategic plan

Published: 14th Nov 2019

THE  Speaker of Parliament, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, today officially launched the Diabetes Fiji Inc Strategic Plan 2020 to 2030 at the University of the South Pacific(USP) in Suva.

The launch coincided with World Diabetes Day celebrations marked every year on November 14.

Speaking at the event, Ratu Epeli said type two diabetes was more common than type one but it was more easily avoided if the correct healthy lifestyle was adopted.

“There are also many people in Fiji living with diabetes who may not even know it because they do not have the symptoms or that they do not even know what the symptoms are,” he said.

Diabetes Fiji project manager Viliame Qio said the strategic plan would focus on four key result areas and since the establishment of the organisation in 2012, this was their first strategic plan.

The plan is expected to play a vital role in mapping out the works identified by Diabetes Fiji Inc to lower diabetes statistics in the country; improve health care facilities with specialised training for caregivers; and increased public awareness.

The theme for this year’s World Diabetes Day is ‘Family and Diabetes’.

DFI strategic plan 2020-2030