Diabetes Fiji & Peace Corps
Spotlight on Collaboration: Diabetes Fiji & Peace Corps 

We’re thrilled to celebrate a fantastic collaboration with Mr. William Duff, a passionate Peace Corps volunteer currently stationed in Matailobau Village, Naitasiri!
His enthusiasm for fighting Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) is inspiring, and last week he reached out to Diabetes Fiji for support in his mission. Today, he picked up a carton of valuable educational materials from our team, including resources on Diabetes & Nutrition, Diabetes & Complications, and so much more. 

By equipping Mr. Duff with these materials, we’re empowering Matailobau Village with knowledge that can transform lives. With tools to better understand diabetes and nutrition, the community will be better equipped to make healthy choices and prevent the spread of NCDs. Education is at the heart of prevention, and these materials serve as a bridge to healthier living, providing families with vital insights on managing and reducing their risk of diabetes and other NCDs.
Looking ahead, we’re excited for more collaboration with Mr. Duff over the next three years as he works tirelessly to make a difference. His dedication to rallying other volunteers to become NCD advocates within their communities speaks volumes about his commitment and passion for health advocacy. Together, we’re not just building awareness but creating a strong foundation for lasting change! 

Thank you, Mr. Duff, for reaching out and showing how powerful partnerships can be in our journey towards a healthier Fiji. Let’s keep inspiring, educating, and advocating for a future free from NCDs!