Diabetes Fiji Incorporate Services


Diabetes Fiji Incorporate is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that focuses on diabetes awareness and education. We carry out outreach programs and have a specific program for young people called Young Diabetes Fiji (YDF). In our outreach program, we work with both community members and businesses. For the community, we offer free health screenings and education about diabetes. We aim to reach twelve outreach programs for each quarter. For businesses, we provide paid health screenings through a special package that they can choose from, which is outlined below.


The YDF, which stands for Young Diabetes Fiji, is a program specifically designed for individuals who have type 1 diabetes, and it focuses on supporting those who are 30 years old and younger. Currently, we have around 50 individuals with type 1 diabetes registered in our program. To create a sense of community and support, we organize various fun activities, such as outings to the sand dunes and pizza parties, which we have already completed. These activities are important because they help our participants feel cared for and well-supported in their journey with diabetes. Additionally, we provide essential consumables to our participants if they find themselves running low on supplies. These consumables include important items such as lancets, glucose meters, test strips, and insulin, which are vital for managing their condition effectively.


Conduct HbA1c tests for individuals with young diabetes who are unable to reach the nearest health center, as well as for those who have defaulted on their HbA1c testing appointments.

Staff carried out home visits to distribute essential consumables to young individuals living with diabetes who reside far from health facilities, as well as to those who are unable to access these resources due to financial difficulties.

Tour to sand dunes with some of our YDF members and their carer, but some can’t make it due to their busy schedule.

YDF (Young Diabetes Fiji) meet up.